- By Kevin Yu
Since 2007 (December), I have been hearing job layoffs from the news. Recently, I believe the situation has got worst with overall unemployment rate stands at 7.2 percent, a 15-year high according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are seven steps of how to avoid getting fired:
Step 1
Improve on levels of education by training job creators instead of job seekers.
Step 2
Maintain political stability in order to attract more investors who can invest in different businesses.
Step 3
Promote agriculture and farming mainly in rural areas to improve employment opportunities.
Step 4
Promote exports instead of imports in order to increase on national income which can lead to future employment opportunities.
Step 5
Promote industrial development by using land tenure system and tax holidays in order to attract both local and foreign investors.
Step 6
Promote sports, music and drama to enable the youth get employed.
Step 7
Extend credit facilities mainly in rural areas to help the poor get access on finance through loans and grants in order to start their own jobs.
1. http://www.mint.com/blog/moneyhack/a-visual-guide-to-the-financial-crisis-unemployment-rates/
2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/3166706/Financial-crisis-Rising-unemployment-on-the-way-as-recession-looms.html
3. http://www.ehow.com/how_2161379_avoid-unemployment-society.html
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